


Lauskas (2003, Diadema)
Gatavs Biju (with Liene Narcis) 2014
Scratch Me (2011, Koronar)
Frozen Sunbeams (fragment, Diadema, 2005)
La Lumiere d'Nuit (instrumental, 2002)
Pestītāja (2006, Koronar)
KORONAR - LP "Biopunk Romantica" (3 dziesmas no 15)

KORONAR - LP "Biopunk Romantica" (3 dziesmas no 15)

KORONAR music is a frantic copulating of rhythmic noise and ambient harmonics. This is an Arthur Berzinsh's prosection of inner contradiction nodus in progress, under a very personal project designation emphasizing a fateful component of the author’s existence -  but a two chamber heart within his chest. 'Biopunk Romantica' is a 70 minutes' sellection of tracks from all sonic output since 1998, where floating audio fractal fibres and clashing rusty mechanisms morph irriversably and mutate with pop, jazz, 8-bit, and other music elements into a new metaphysical effigy. The album features Mora Ergana as female vocalist and guitar manipulations from Herman Rigmants. This biopunk creation has nothing to do with the sci-fi cyberpunk genre branch exploring the social and psychological aspects of gene enginering though. In this particular biopunk concept biology is a contrasting allegory of human metaphisical system, mutual relationships, inner contradictions and survival endeavours in frames of society. It is a revalation, that we are not individual and independent – we all form one organism, a system, a scheme, a framework for ever being entirely interconnected.

Push It Out
Godzilla Baby
Kantaina Peža


Funeral For My Baby (2003)
Your Light (2003)
Frozen Sunbeams (fragment, 2005)
Lauskas (2002, remix in 2007)
Shine (2005)
ambient, instrumental

ambient, instrumental

Sorrow (from "Strupceļš" soundtrack)
Wreck (from "Neaizmirstulītes" soundtrack)
Nošķirtība (from "Strupceļš" soundtrack)