CRADLE OF FILTH "Heartbreak and Seance"
Official music video from the album, Cryptoriana - The Seductiveness of Decay
Director: Arthur Berzinsh
Camera: Ivo Skanstins
Editor: Lāsma Ābele, Ivo Skanstiņš
Production designer: Evija Džonsone, Ulla Perkune
Make-up - Viktorija Safronova, Eva Hel, Zane Žilinska
Cast: Laura-Daina Upeniece, Kaspars Zāle, Keita Morfeja, Lelde Mežmača, Anda Aldiņa, Marta Laumiņa, Patrīcija Vainovska, Artūrs Šteinbergs, Jānis Balodis, Miķelis Visockis, Klāvs Dzelzs-Vaivars, Reinhards Vācis
Producer: Guna Stahovska, Gunta Bāriņa
Thanks to all the team: Keita Morfeja, Dmitrijs Jegunovs, Ivars Tontegode, Rinalds Zelts, Kārlis Drukteins, Haralds Upītis, Andris Kudors, Jevgēnijs Nacišs, Ando Andž, Vik Besaraba, Pēteris Skujiņš, Jānis Zeidaks, Nauris Stalažs, Ralfs Dāvids Džonsons, Katrīna Džonsone, Sintija Kraveca, Laine Kublinska Līdace, Olga Ukolova, Diāna Daukste, Flame Hel, Alexander Trinitatov, Loreta Broka, Sergey Baidikov, Herman Rigmant, Dace Kļaviņa, Una Ozola and others
Gratitude for support: Cinevera LV, Arkogints Camera Rental, Riseba H2O Media Arts University, Linda Mūrniece and Hotel Roma
Uncensored version:
Arthur Berzinsh's delegated performance at gallery Museum LV and GRATA JJ, 2018. Members: Olga Kuļikova, Jānis Mihejevs, Suura Nettle, PainProTest
This performance is a metaphor of consumer society that consumes itself. At the beginning of this ritual we see the man and the woman burying their toys. Thus they resign from their supreme creativity and step into the territory of what existential philosophy calls “Dasman”, when you stop self reflection and let yourself merge in the element of collective unconsciousness. This performance is also about the paradigm we live in since postmodernism. Even now, in post-postmodernism we still don’t have the over-idea that brings us any meaning or justification of our existence. What else can we do in this situation – just carve for sense of well-being and try to reach this sense through consuming – products, resources, each other (mentally). I believe that the only true well-being is possible through self-realization, but in this case we need the ontological destination. As long as we don’t have it, this self-realization is possible just for true individualists, but it doesn’t mean much for the spirit of the whole civilization. And the civilization can’t last for a long time without it’s spirit. So it just exterminates itself through putting this consumer program in us. This extermination starts metaphysically (in culture), and afterwards everything tumbles down in reality.
Arthur Berzinsh's delegated performance at gallery Museum LV, 2017. Members: Keita Morfeja, Vilnis Švāns, Valdis Ķīķeris, Nauris Mucenieks, Klāvs Dzelzs-Vaivars. Shibari master: Flame Hel.
Performance konceptuāli izriet no tikko Daugavpils Marka Rotko Centrā noritējušās izstādes “Barotava”, kuras centrā ir refleksija par dažādu populisma veidu mijiedarbību ar recipientu. Pārsvarā tie ir intuitīvi meklējumi tām mūsu kolektīvās bezapziņas zonām, kurās ir iedēstīti mīti, kas liek mums visu laiku iet pa apli, atkārtot vienas un tās pašas neapzinātās rituālās darbības, pašiem to nemanot. Mitologēmas, kurās mēs esam ieslīguši, vietām ir ģeopolitiski determinētas un ir nācijas pašidentifikācijas glābiņš, bet vietām - kaitīgas, jo darbojas uz masu bāziskām emocijām, nevis kritisku domāšanu. Ja mēģināt noformulēt racionalizēti, performance “Martiroloģija” ir par latviešu spēju sakralizēt pat savas ciešanas, padarīt tās par savu pielūgsmes objektu, tādējādi aizsprostojot sev ceļu uz priekšu, jo nav iespējama pašizaugsme, kamēr esam iestrēguši savā pagātnē.
Excerpts from upcoming feature film "Blind Alley" by Arthur Berzinsh. This surrealistic drama-extravaganza is an allegory about relationship between people who cannot stand being without each other, yet cannot stand being together. It is about the moment of making up one's mind for solving this biting dilemma
Direction, screenplay, scenography, music, montage – Arthur BerzinshExcerpts from upcoming feature film "Blind Alley" by Arthur Berzinsh. This surrealistic drama-extravaganza is an allegory about relationship between people who cannot stand being without each other, yet cannot stand being together. It is about the moment of making up one's mind for solving this biting dilemma
Direction, screenplay, scenography, music, montage – Arthur Berzinshmusic video for DIADEMA
direction, screenplay, montage, camera, music: Arthur Berzinsh
camera and assistance: Ivars Tontegode
music video for DIADEMA
direction, screenplay, camera, montage, music: Arthur Berzinsh
assistants: Dzintars Meļķis, Ivars Tontegode
direction, screenplay, camera, montage, music: Arthur Berzinsh
cast: Pārsla Baranovska, Kaspars Sprancis, Invars Tontegode, Anna Kustikova, Dzintars Meļķis, Liene Sofija Buiķe, Aigars Rubezis, Artūrs Dunkāns, Karīna Jevdajeva
music video for DIADEMA / KORONAR
direction, screenplay, camera, montage, music: Arthur Berzinsh
cast: Ieva Balode, Ivars Tontegode, Oskars Veilands
music video for KORONAR
Visual & audio - Arthur Berzinsh
Visual & audio - Arthur Berzinsh
plasticine doodles by Sanita Maria and Arthur Berzinsh